Images by N'neka
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Covid-19 Safety Guidelines

"Are you booking portraits or weddings?" Yes, I am.

I am accepting photo sessions, weddings and events that are safe to execute, meaning I can follow all CDC guidelines.

Photography safety guidelines

  • I will wear a mask at all times, use hand sanitizer and maintain 6' distance. I have long lens and can still capture intimate moments.
  • I avoid risky behavior such as going to crowded places unmasked. I ask that clients do the same for 2 weeks prior to our photo session or event.
  • I will use no touch posing methods.
  • I am a low volume studio and do not typically conduct more than one session per day. The risk of cross contamination between clients is minimal.
  • All consultations and ordering appointments will be virtual
  • I know my bag looks heavy but I got it. There's no need to help me carry it. :)

Atlanta Black Female Photographer

Wedding photography safety guidelines

  • I am accepting elopements and intimate weddings of up to 50 people (venue staff & vendors included) where hosts, guests and vendors are also following CDC guidelines
  • I will avoid small rooms or crowded areas where 6' of distance cannot be maintained. Sadly I am unable to capture moments like these.
  • Sky Room Atlanta Wedding PhotographerGeorgian Terrace Wedding pictures
  • A Covid-19 liability waiver will be required for all weddings and events booked while there is still a pandemic. Please keep in mind that current conditions and guidelines are changing & may further restrict my ability to photograph your event. I strongly advise you to have a back-up plan in place.
  • If safe practices aren't being followed by guests or participants, which put my health or safety at risk, I have the right to leave & my contractual obligation will be fulfilled.

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